
Empowering Visualizations: Experience the Power of Self-Hypnosis and Quantum Shifting!

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Empowering Visualizations: Experience the Power of Self-Hypnosis and Quantum Shifting!

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This course is included in the DreamLife Manifestation Portal (Tier 3: $49) and the Dream Life Manifestation Bundle ($199). I highly recommend the membership or bundle, as they include other courses and contain thousands of dollars worth of content!

The bundle is a one time purchase with lifetime access to POWERFUL courses. Tier 3 of the Membership is ideal for accessing all the courses on a budget ($49 / month). No commitment required - come and go as you work your way through all the content!

Our thoughts are powerful. Our minds are powerful. Our connection to the infinite possibilities of the Quantum Field are powerful.

Money. Relationships. Career. Healing.

It's ALL created first in the mind, in the quantum field.

If you want more abundance, you must see it in your mind first and FEEL it. Most of the time, we are feeling into what we don't want. The ONLY way to create a new outcome is to first create it in your mind and infuse it with the power of feeling.

If you use these audios on a regular basis, your mind WILL rewire. You will experience profound results that will change your life for the better, starting today!

Do you feel EXCITED about your finances or do you feel dread? Do you feel JOYFUL about your relationships or do you feel frustrated? Whatever you are feeling, you are creating more of. Change the feeling and you change the way you interact with the quantum field.

To change the feeling, you change what you are thinking, what you are focusing on, what you are visualizing.

I know first hand how hard this can be do to. And that's why I created this package of Empowering Visualizations. When you are guided into visualizing what you want - success, confidence, abundance, love, support, and so on, you bypass all your own mental noise and LEAP right into what it is you ACTUALLY WANT.

Guided visualization is powerful.

I have experienced it time and time again. It took me from feeling like life was a torture chamber I was struggling to survive to feeling as if I am THRIVING.

If you're ready to transform your life in truly incredible ways, join this one of a kind course and get started. Otherwise, keep reading to understand the science of why this is so effective, what's included, and more!

Visualization will take you from wondering, what is my highest potential?, to stepping into it as if you've stepped through a doorway into an entirely new life - one that is bigger and brighter than anything you've ever dreamed of!

Visualization is the powerful process of you reprogramming your own mind using self-hypnosis. Visualization engages both your conscious mind AND your deep subconscious, allowing you to make quantum shifts in every area of your life. These shifts can be so profound, it can feel as if you've stepped into an entirely new timeline - one in which you are living your best life!

This package includes visualizations for:

  • Self-love
  • Body love
  • Abundance/money
  • Social confidence
  • Career confidence
  • Healthy relationships & love
  • And more!

Try your first visualization right now!

Before I understood the power of visualization, I believed and hoped that change would come from outside of me. I hoped that someone would give me the confidence I longed for, the worthiness I craved, and the abundance I dreamed of. I tried everything I could to get these external circumstances to line up, but no matter what I did, nothing changed.

It wasn't until I understood the power of my own thoughts that I came to understand that these changes had to come from within. And the easiest way to change my inner world, my internal mind map, was through visualization.

Imagine this:

After years of struggling with bills and a feeling of never enough, your bank account is overflowing. Money continually comes to you, and in ways you never imagined it could. You do not doubt if you are worthy of this. You do not doubt that more will always come.

You just live with the pure joy of knowing I am taken care of.

It's as if you are always in the right place at the right time. You aren't afraid to ask for what you're worth. You aren't afraid to go for big opportunities. You believe in your success so deeply it's as if what you want is yours before you even have it.

You never force, you just trust, because this is the program you told your mind to run. This is what you envisioned for yourself, and because everything in this Universe will line up to match YOUR inner vision, you never project worry out. Only success. And success is what you get.

Visualization, in essence, is the act of creating something energetically so that it can then manifest physically.

​Everything that happens in your life was created first energetically. Energy is everything.

When you visualize a desired outcome, you are doing something rather spectacular on both an energetic and a physical level. On one level, you are physically telling yourself which actions to take based on what program is running. If you continue to repeatedly visualize success, then you will take action based on that vision. On another level, you are tuning into the unlimited energy of your cosmic Self, and using that energy to co-create with the unlimited and powerful energy of the  Universe.

Changing the flow of energy when you're already feeling overwhelmed and on edge can feel impossible. However, creating a flow of energy that empowers you before you ever set foot in a room is a life changing experience.

It will make everything in your life feel so much easier. And you deserve to have that kind of a gift. You deserve to enjoy your life to its fullest!

This is why visualization is so powerful.

​It takes you from wondering why is this STILL happening? to understanding what you are creating, how you're creating, and how to SHIFT your creations to benefit your entire life. You will no longer go into situations dreading them because you feel overwhelmed and uncertain about yourself. Rather, you will walk in following the momentum of energy that says I got this. I am a capable, confident person!

How is this different from meditation? Meditation is an act of releasing. It's letting go and clearing the way for what you might create through visualization.

If you can see it in your mind, you can experience it in your life! 

Take a moment now to see yourself confident, happy, and successful.

See the version of you that brings you the most joy, and know that if you can see it, it's because it's a part of you. It's already within you, waiting to be brought forth.

These 27 visualizations will take you from lack and limited thinking and into unlimited and empowered thinking. Each time you listen to one of the audios, the new story you're writing will sink deeper into your subconscious. Try the free preview, or dive into the full package today!

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